House of Tara, Tv show NI, Mobile Rep etc..

My trip was a huge success. I was going to blog about the Exquisite Tea Party but that will have to wait till KLM finds my luggage. ( all pictures from the tea part was in it) I do not understand why things have to be so difficult for that airline. I have sworn never to fly them again but of course I did not listen to myself and went ahead did the opposite of what I said I would not do. Long and short of it, they misplaced my luggage, and of all the luggages to misplace, it had to be the one with all my important items. At this point I’m trying to stay positive because I know for a fact that they cannot even begin to compensate me. I had priceless items in that bag and it just makes me sad that I did not fly another airline, even after my numerous mishaps with KLM/NWA. Sighs!

On a good note, I hosted the upcoming episode of NI, it is supposed to air on AIT on Saturday Nov4 at 5pm Est, 2pm pacific and I think 9am GMT. It was fun shooting with them, I got to be as goofy as I wanted to be. Of course seeing as I do not have AIT, I have to find someone that does.

So, Toni Payne Cosmetics and Element5 can now be found at the House of Tara, located at 5 Ako Owo ( I hope spelt it right) street, VI. Across from Eko Hotel.

We also have a mobile rep in Lagos, who will be taking care of all personal orders, home parties, etc. If you are in lagos, and you get to meet Miss Odunayo, you will understand why she was chosen. (personality, presentation, etc) If you need someone who knows about makeup and can guide you in the right direction per using Toni Payne products she is definitely your girl. Will be posting her information soon.

So the Abuja crash happened the day I was leaving, a friend of mine was supposed to be coming back from Abuja but missed his flight so you can imagine the scare I had. I had already started wailing because he was not picking up his first one. I finally reached him his other line and was sooo relieved. Just had me thinking how horrible it would have been to lose him and I cannot even begin to imagine how the folks who lost their loved one are feeling right now.

Personally, I think majority of those airlines need to go through some sort of quality control/management every other month. They need to get rid of their 10 billion year old airplanes and stop playing with peoples lives. I mean how many crashes can one country have in a matter of months. Should send alarms ringing all over the place.

Hopefully my next blog will be a bit more interesting. 🙂


  1. Ineka

    Boo! Sorry to hear about your Luggage. mom actually had an issue with KLM back in the day. I hope they find it oh ‘cos thier compensation will probably be measly.
    House of Tara is just Fab, and with your products in there you will gain so much more exposure.

  2. Ms.Minx

    Aww, I’m happy for you, girly, about NI and H.O.T! And btw, it’s Oko Awo (Americana,lol)
    It was good to finally meet you, tho! Make sure you put up your Rep’s deets soon, cuz I’m definitely gonna be putting those TP complimentary cards into good use, lol. Take Care

  3. Bella Naija

    Welcome back Miss Toni Payne…
    This babe…infact I have to gush…I am proud of u…A young woman doing big things…I am glad my Nigerian women are supporting each other…I am glad u are setting a great example….
    KLM and Lufthansa especially I cannot fly them, they have provided me with enough traumas…I hope u find ur luggage…ciao

  4. naijagal

    i must say I admire you doing great things; I will profile you soon on naijagal
    In any case you are lucky oh it was just your luggage with klm sorry oh
    with me I got re routed to ethopia! thanks to KLM oh and all I wanted to do was go to naija

  5. Toni Payne

    @ineka, thanks, yah i hope so too for their sake.

    @minxy was nice meeting you too. Ahh oko Awo, well I was close enough. lol. I will do soon, and make sure you keep in touch.

    @bella. Gracias mami, thanku,thanku, thanku, lol..I gave KLM another chance and they dissapointed me yet again so Im int he same boat as you, wil never step foot on a KLM/NWA plane again.

    @naijagal. lmao!. gosh, ethopia?.. I dont understand what it is with them and why it is sooo hard for them to get it right.

  6. Icy

    crap for KLM.. their Naija service sucks major tush… pele I reallyhope they find it.. Congrats on handling biz hun ;)I WOuldn’t expect less from you .. RAWK ON MAMA!


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