Job Security or Passion, Which would you choose?
Growing up we are indirectly or directly taught the basics about having a career. You know, go to school, study a subject/trade, graduate and find a job along the same path. What I have found however in my years working, or as I like to call it Hustling; is that we all don’t live by the same rules. Some of us will thread the path of a career based on our education, while some of us will make a career out of things we love to do, while some of us will just stumble upon a career based on necessity.
The challenge however is that things we love to do doesn’t always translate to what we end up doing for a living. In fact it may or may not make us as much money as things that are practical to do to earn a living.
So the question that comes to mind is, what would you choose? A career that offers you job security and pays the bills efficiently even if its something you don’t enjoy or a career doing something you are passionate about even if you are not sure it will make you as much money?
This question is one I have battled with for many years. I have always worked in a field that offers a service to others. Though I enjoy what I do, I’m sometimes left feeling partially fulfilled and one reason I would blame is the fact that a big part of me wants to concentrate on building my brand without running helter skelter trying to satisfy someone else. Not that I mind but there are only 24hrs in a day and trying to juggle yours and theirs can be a huge task that pretty much sucks up your entire day. I pretty much want to do me without any distractions.
When I started considering this, I couldn’t help but wonder about other peoples stories, journey etc. Those who gave up Job security to pursue their dreams. I wonder what their story is and how their decision panned out. I also wonder about those who hate their job but still go back everyday. I wonder if I’m just a rebel and no one else reasons like me. I tend to do what my heart wants almost all the time. So far it has payed off but what if God forbid it did not? As you read this I want you to ask yourself if you are truly satisfied with what you do for a living. Is the career you have chosen Job security, your passion, or is it both? and If you could change anything about your current career situation, what would it be?
Just thinking out loud.
I prefer the job security ooo…I’ll have passion for the job later. Nigerians won’t say d truth