Audio: How to handle being with someone with Kids [PODCAST 21]

How to handle being with someone with Kids: A Guide for the Ex, the new partner and the parent in the middle.
On this episode of Trending Topics with Toni Payne I discuss being with someone with kids from a different relationship and how to handle things from the perceptive of all parties involved. I recently covered the topic here but for my podcast listener, decided to elaborate a bit more. I discuss how the ex, new partner and adult in between should handle things. I also discuss the importance of knowing the kids come first.

  • family, relationship, parenting, step parenting, dating someone with kids

Excerpt –

Before you accept a man or woman with kids, it is always wise to sit down and discuss how you BOTH plan to make the best of out things. It is also not a bad idea to reach out to their ex and help them understand you are on the kid(s) side and you want everyone to be happy. Do not fool yourself into thinking it is his or her problem because most times, it doesn’t pan out that way. Again this applies to a situation where both parents are active and cordial.

A clear plan is needed so there are no feelings of “this is not what I bargained for” in the future. Do not look at it from a perspective of, “yeah the kids stay with the other parent so who cares,” always remember, life is about constant change, so you have to play out and discuss all possible scenarios before moving forward.

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How to handle being with someone with kids podcast 21 tt w toni payne

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