I Should Have Known – Romantic Spoken Word Poetry by Toni Payne

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I Should Have Known – Romantic Spoken Word Poetry about Love by Toni Payne LYRICS 

I met him in the city of angels.
Fresh out of school, he was taking a course.
His smile so divine, I was glad when he became mine.
Then I let him go……
I should have known it was you.
The formal introduction, was so simple.
My corporate guy, loved the way he rocked that suit and tie.
The one whose eyes smile when around me.
The one who is there when naysayers surround me.
I was naive, maybe a bit foolish,
I trusted in words was a bit impatient,
I should have waited for his next move.
As time went by it just happened,
Got carried away by the sweet words of another.
Now you are gone, but definitely not in the arms of another.
Your heart now guarded, I sit and ponder.
I should have known it was you.
Your soft voice when you address me.
Your warm touch when you undress me.
The taste of your …………. Read full poem in my book “A Stroll at Midnight”

[originally published Feb 2, 2013]


  1. genevieve

    Wow……..very nice n Sw?????????????, more grace ??? ?? elbow. My question °?s, who °?s ?????? poem directed ????

  2. tayo

    Mum Z of life…love u more for dis *big hugzzzzz

  3. basiru abiola

    this poem move me so much.their is notting in the world that is more than love.life is intresting,when d one u love also love u the same way u love her\him.
    good job toni payne

  4. franklin

    Beautiful lines u got toni, Quite sensual, makes you think only of one person, it can only be one person.

  5. nnadi festus

    awwwwww! Was really touched,feel like crying.

  6. nnadi festus

    awwww! I feel like crying..

  7. nnadi festus

    i feel like crying.

  8. tutti

    Lovely. I digested this. Keep it up

  9. odunayo fadaini

    Nice one,more greese to ur elbow,what touchy and lovely poem

  10. vvictoriVictoria scribbles

    So wottt this this is so wow….SOUL communication.TRUST me:I LIKE.

  11. ody

    Sweet and divine!

  12. olasupreme

    Really? ……really? can’t believe TP has a voice so sweet. was almost sleeping…lol. Big Ups! deep words, articulate, mature and on point.

  13. bolanle

    Whaohh!Toni dis is great pls keep it up. Tears in my eyes

  14. abdul

    Hmmmmmmm……this is interesting ,straight from the heart,life is a teacher you wish you all the best in life

  15. abdul

    Hmmmmmmm……this is interesting ,straight from the heart,life is a teacher wish you all the best in life

  16. @Ebutecastle

    #SayNoMore. Another delivery from Toni Payne, its as if na me some aspect of the poem dey talk to.
    Well read with vocal animation.

  17. Naijaloaded.com

    This is one of the Poem that Shake me the Most, What a Wonderful to Start the New Week with this…… Tony Payne keep it coming, You will know No Pain..

    The Question is “Who is this For?” ???? I need Answer to my Question.

  18. imam salamat

    Dat was awesome.and whoever u are directn it 2 is so lucky.

  19. AAyodele Ayodeji

    This is so Amazing… What a beautiful poem! Keep it up sis.

  20. HASAN

    beautiful poem keep it up

  21. breeze36urban

    I have never thot Osha payne cud do such an engaging article. I have known you to be a lover of good music and u support it with ur entire life n breadth that comes with it…. This is an amazing piece Osha and sincerely it shud be nominated at the words of poetry academy… I still cant believe u rote this but then i cant help but say i wish i wrote this…. Keep up the passion my big sis.

  22. taiwo

    Awwwwwwww, so cute, I wish I had sum1 2

    1. wlliam

      Plz gimmie ur pin!

      1. wlliam


  23. Baffydon

    Now i discovered that shes a poet…

  24. ezeudo

    listenin ‘my angel by lionel richie’ nd readin dis 1ndafl poem…………………………??????? Dnt knw wt 2 say…….???

  25. joy igbinedion

    I love this

  26. Helen Alinwaowa

    I love ur poem.keep the goodwork, am dedicating it to someone that means a lot to me at the moment

  27. TEMO

    Tears was drop from ma eyes when i was readin’.but i wasn’t cryin.pls who are u refearin to??????

  28. themThorpe

    Impressive work….kip it up maami!!!

  29. @olladave

    A good poet paints a horse and readers will enjoy the ride of their life! Good,sensual and smooth. TP paint me a river and I will sure take a dive 😉

  30. mauryn Onyinye

    ?Well, nt bad…touchn maybe…buh really it doesn’t sound like a poem….I believe a poem shld be lyrically rhymed…wen U????? jst write it down like U????? did ,it sorta becomes a story nd sounds like one..poems are intimately connected with sound n’ music, sound n’ rhythm, sound n’ sense,if U????? knw wat I mean…. take for instance;
    I sit right here and ponder
    How my heart yearns for u.. I wonder
    Few times spent with you I can’t complain
    If u dare †? ask ?? y,I can’t explain
    I don’t knw if I’d keep dis or not
    My hrts unsure of wat next is up
    But one tns definitely very clear
    It feels so gud †? hav u here.

    Jst a sketch..so wat do U????? tnk?..nw it sounds more like a poem..evn a 1st time listener cn tell d diffrnce..*winks*…I still tnk ur a gud writer thou..there’s always room for improvement plus we learn everyday…hv a nice time…ma pin..(30BF214B)lolz.

  31. Mjay

    Wahooooo!!! Dis is so cool! I love every bit of it! Ts so touchy!

  32. Asher pearl

    Good job.
    Ur first line captivated me.

  33. Segun

    Awesome speech, after our life hudles we often know better. If only we realise it before the true and adorable person is long gone. True story u tell in a poetic style.

  34. Seagarts

    Dear Toni,

    I couldn’t but keep listening to this poem.
    It’s not just a poem, but a proverbial lyrics that emanate from a heart that let it self down.
    It touches my heart and I was moved to write this to my wife
    You my friend,
    You my wife,
    you my joy and promises,
    Promises we never made,
    So much to say but quietness of heart,
    You my friend,
    A friend sticking closer than a brother, sister, and folks,
    You my friend, my shield from the turbulent winds,
    My reasons for joy,
    My friend whose dazzling smile reminds me the strength behind a steel,
    You my best friend ever.

    we would have little or no turbulent aches if we see our LOVE as our friend. No pride in a relationship, if it does its a shipwreck.

    1. Toni Payne (Post author)

      wow! thats just lovely.. hope she loves it

  35. kemi Ajisafe

    Now im trying to make up my mind,WOW!WOW,good job

  36. Okuntola Olufunke

    L??? every bit of d poem. Can’t stop listening to it over and over again.So touching and passionate. Keep it Ma.am

  37. Omodudu Onidada Osun

    ‘I met him in the city of angels…my corporate guy, loved the way he rocked that suit and tie…’. *snap snap* lol

  38. agali

    I’m impressed.

  39. Halowin

    Now that’s the kinda Ish you get from a blessed and an intelligent lady. Big sis.@tonipayne you rock…

  40. Amoo Tunde

    Hmmmmm……this poem rilly made my day..tenkx @toni payne


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