RIP Robin Williams -Coroner Confirms he Hanged Himself

robin williams

Actor and Comedian Robin Williams has died. The cause of death was asphyxiation by hanging, Lt. Keith Boyd of the Marin County Sheriff’s Office said during a press conference on August 12. He was found in his home in Tiburon California. He was 63 Years old. It wasn’t apparent if he left a suicide note or not  but when asked, Lt. Boyd stated at the press conference that, that will not be discussed right now. The coroner’s details were quite graphic and upon hearing them, you just know he was in a lot of mental anguish before taking his own life. A pocket knife was found as well as superficial cuts to his wrist. He was found by his assistant at 11:55am in a seated position suspended slightly above the ground. He had a belt around his neck that was wedged between the closet door and the door frame, Boyd explained. So so sad

It’s just so sad to see this happen to anyone, much less a man who made a life’s career out of making others laugh. They say do not judge a book by it’s cover and when you see someone smile, never assume all is well.

Kindness goes a very long way so even if you think someone is ok, still be kind to them, encourage them because you just never know what people are going through internally. The life we live in is hard enough as it is so we can all make a difference by being there for each other.  I grew up watching Mork and Mindy and have followed his career for decades.  Who would have thought a man so cheerful would be suffering from depression. It is really sad to see him go . RIP Robin Williams.


  1. Hollywoodhiccups

    It’s sad to see that a man such as himself would commit suicide, we’ve lost a funny man from this world.

  2. TWana Tells

    Wow I still can’t believe he passed away. May he RIP

  3. Need Culture

    Such a sad story – you never, ever know!

  4. maurice

    i’m devastated i love his movies


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