Pictures from the Exquisite Mag Event

As I mentioned before Exquisite Magazine hosted a tea party in Lagos featuring Toni Payne Cosmetics. Below are some pictures from the Tea Party.. I have more beauty talk/sessions coming up this year and next, worldwide. Will post dates and locations so just in case I am in your neck on the woods you can come down to watch me speak. (I promise not to bore you). I am also planning an event in LAG for early next year. I can’t release the details yet but it will be a must attend event with massive media coverage. I will update you once everything is set in stone. Enjoy!

The Exquisite Mag Pose

Product shot

Q and A with guest

Talking about beauty always grabs attention

The discussion gets intence

House of Henri model getting made up

Cracking jokes

Lovely Ladies

What color gloss should I use, Try this!

Alero of BeautifulYou doing what she does best

Ladies gathering to watch a step by step makeover

Fashion by Debbie, CEO of Every Woman

I hope you enjoyed the some of the pictures. I will most likely put some more exclusive ones up once they are done making their press rotation. A special thanks to Beautiful You makeovers for coming through, you did a fab job, also to Oka and associates for such wonderful pictures. If you need a makeup artist or photographer for your next Lagos /NIG event, they come highly recommended so feel free to email me for their contact info.

For any updates about the Toni Payne Line you can always visit


  1. BGT


  2. Toni Payne

    BGT, thanks luv, you are the best 🙂

  3. ToyinE

    heyy odmoly is my pally and funny enough we had talked about you when i was home in September because we saw your ad in citipeople. Anyways, will get to test out your makeup when i go for Xmas and im excited you picked Odun – she’s great!

  4. Toni Payne

    Toyine, Odun is fantastic and I know she will do a great job. I’m happy I connected with her. When you go to NIG in Dec do patronize her nd have fun for two. 🙂

  5. Bella Naija

    Congrats Toni!!!!
    I’m loving the pics…
    Infact, I cannot wait to see the NI episode…
    Please let us know when its online!

  6. Ineka

    Lovely pictures. You are definitely doing your thing!

  7. Toni Payne

    thanks bella.. much appreciated.

    @ineka, thanks madam, how have you been?

  8. Angie

    Wonderful blog.
    Lovely pics and congrats!!
    So were xactly can one get ur line of products and Toni Payne Signature Apparel to buy in naija.

  9. Toni Payne

    Angie Darl, You purchase at the following places in lagos
    CQ Boutique, 1 Adelabu St (mainland)(makeup and apparel)
    House of Tara, 9a Oko awo close (island) (makeup only)
    You can always visit our website’s where to buy page for more locations or call Odun(her number is on our where to buy) to set you up. Gracias mami

  10. angie

    yhanks. i will check it out!!

  11. angie

    lol..i met thanks.i have been lookin for that particular apparel.
    will get back to u, wen i get them.
    hope the prices r pocket friendly…lol

  12. Toni Payne

    lol..Angie, Yes they are pocket friendly. Anything Toni Payne is affordable quality. 😉

  13. Tseshe

    Congrats o. Ahn ahn….well done. I’m still waiting for my make-better session o. I wanna be a fine babe as well.

  14. Toni Payne

    Tseshe Darl, My number 1 super model. I promise not to keep you waiting for long, you know I need to set up the shoot.


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