Natural born TV personality?

So the episode of NI aired yesterday and lord help me. My phone has been ringing and they all have the same thing to say. I need to drop everything and come be a TV presenter.. lol.

The day I was shooting the cameraman said I was a natural and he wished I could continue working with them. He said that watching me was “captivating” on such a small lens so he can imagine how the audience would feel watching on a bigger screen. Of course I laughed it off as him being extra sweet. Plus I was just being myself so I did not see the big deal in my personality.

Gen Gen!!!!!!!!!!.. the show now airs and all hell broke loose to the tune of business is great but TV is better. The general consensus is that I was born to be on TV. HA!.. Seconds after the show goes off my text message goes off and its my friend Mike aka Ruggedman. He was like “superstar” you did a good job. Coming from him i was like ehn, because I know how brutally honest he can be with me when I bomb things, so of course I had to call him right away to get details. You know, did I flow, was I fun etc etc, and how did he reaaaaly think I did, Well I got a big vote of approval from my boy. Yah me!.

People who saw the show and knew of/me have been calling the Lag store about how I was nice on TV. lol some have gone to the house. LMAO!…. My aunt said I looked like a seasoned presenter and need to move my ass to NIG to do just that. She said I’m a good business woman but from what she saw this is my calling ( now that had me rolling on the floor because she knows how passionate I am about my business). She even offered to pay for my ticket to come down. hahahahaha.

My grandmother asked how I found the time to practice before the show seeing as I was very busy conducting business during my stay, so when I explained to her that the whole show was improvised she ecohed my aunt and said I need to move and do this for a living. My dad said his friends have been calling about how they liked his daughter on AIT. Even the producer rang me up to tell me I was “fantastic” and they want me to host more episodes.

Would you beleive I still havnt seen the show? Now, I am really dying to see it and cant wait for it to be streamed online. Who knows? maybe I am a natural. I have been told several times by Innocent that I really should be in showbiz because of my “character”. lol. seeing as he has been around most in the industry maybe he is right.

Anyhoo, once the episode goes online you bet I will put it in my blog and best beleive you are free to critique it as much as you want. Im still not accepting the big deal being My aunt is trying to convince me to get a copy of the show and send it down to some shows that air on mnet she was like “ehen, shey you have mtvbase connection, why dont you stop wasting “our” time and use it. Send the tape to him” ( shouting). hahahahaha I see a prospective manager in the horizon.

The shoot was nice, the producer was hella cool, the cameraman was very sweet and the pa very attentive. In fact the whole crew was super cool and I enjoyed every second with them. Yetty you get lots of hugs and lipgloss for having them call me. hehehe. U rock chicka!

Let me marinate in the big deal being made over one show because, yeah, yeah, yeah, Im secretly enjoying all the Kudos.. Now the question is am I really made for TV?


  1. BGT

    Am i surprised? That you did a phucking great job???? NO! not at all Toni…

    You are good girl…You are good in all that you do!

    cant wait to see this one!

  2. Toni Payne

    BGT, You are just too much. A friend like you can make someone go and attempt to buy the trump towers. lol. Thanks lady for all the motivation, much appreciated.

  3. Icy

    awwwww it was my pleasure babz. I have to hook my gurl up now. God knows it was hell looking for your damn number in Naija. nonsense I had to track your ass down. DON’T YOU EVER LEAVE FOR NAIJA WITHOUT GIVING ME YOUR CONTACT NUMBER THERE AGAIN you hear me so. hahah! Oya more lipgloss and eyeshadow abeg… Keep sponsoring NI with ya make up chic.. RAWK ON! CHIC

  4. BGT

    You guys…can we (three) have a slumber party one day??? with lots of milk and cookies (alcohol and other influences) and have loads and loads of fun???

  5. Tseshe

    Toni is a STARRRR!!


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