Listen to my (Toni Payne) Podcast announcement and Twitter Shoutouts

logopodcastFirst off, when I typed the heading, I started laughing so hard at the (Toni Payne) part. I’ts always amusing to me speaking in 3rd person,  as if I am not Toni.. sigh! For the sake of social sharing, I try to have the heading make sense to all and not just me. ok, I digress. So I was discussing with my sister Kim that I really wanna do this podcast that I have always wanted to do. We toyed with different ideas and I felt very strongly that I should go for it. Hey.. YOLO.. hehehe.. Anyways I made a random announcement on twitter and of course what followed was also quite random.. btw. I’m one of the most random people I know so brace yourself. lol. The first podcast will be available here on my website tomorrow and the topic is…. *drumroll* lol.. 10 Romantic things you can do for her…  Every Friday I’ll discuss a range of topics and also, once in a while, bring in someone else to join me in the discussion. I will also make sure its downloadable so you can listen when you feel like.  Anyhoo checkout the message and my twitter shout-outs below.. I think ill be including shout-outs in each podcast, showing some love back..

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