Justin Bieber Got Baptized?

justin bieber
Justin Bieber has been having a very rough year. The young pop star has moved from one scandal to another. The latest scandal involved a video released by TMZ where he was making “racist jokes”. His one time boss Usher, has since come out to defend him. According to Usher, Justin is no racist. I guess we can blame it on youthful ignorance ey?  Then again some adults say worse. Plus, the way people throw around the “N” word these days, blacks inclusive, I am surprised it still categorizes as a racist word. Anyways, following all the bad drama that kept trailing him, it seems Justin has decided to check himself before he wrecks himself. 

Word is, he recently got baptized in New York. When you go astray, you turn to faith. For privacy reasons, he was reportedly baptized in his hotel room by pastor Carl Lentz. Last week, Justin had posted a picture of a bible verse on instagram and I can remember awwing like, this young man is really going through some stuff. Anyhoo, I hope this new Justin will have more peace in his life. I also hope TMZ can stop bullying him by bringing up his past while he is trying to move forward.


  1. @Don_Segxi

    He needs Jesus. RT @tonipayne: Justin Bieber Got Baptized? Find out why via http://t.co/mSCPl2f6Ew

  2. maurice

    i’m not even mad, he’s trynna find jesus!

  3. Hollywoodhiccups

    I hope he changes himself for the good, the way he’s been acting for the past couple of years has been ridiculous.

  4. Andre

    the life of a trouble young celebrity. all that money but cant stay out of trouble

  5. Miss Jackson

    why is tmz digging out old videos. i heard somewhere that tmz was blackmailing him. is it true?


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