3 possible reasons why beautiful young women aren’t attracted to older men

coupleFor any silver foxes out there, you might be finding it hard to get younger ladies to become attracted to you. However, like any other form of attraction, it usually only takes small and incremental steps to get that younger lady to look your way.

For any older men about there who want to try and get into the market for younger women seeking older men, it can take a bit of planning to make sure you come across as intended. When it comes to older men dating younger women, the easiest solution that you can put to the test are these three major errors that can really hurt your chances of success.

The Wrong Treatment

The most common problem that you can find yourself dealing with is treating younger women in the wrong way. Many older men don’t mean it, but life experiences can leave you saying things that you would say to a younger sister, not a partner.

You’ll avoid telling her about her mistakes, and that might sound like a good thing. But if you can get a younger women interested in an older man, you want to be able to make her see that your authority, intelligence and experience are attractive.
Don’t spend all of your time correcting her or telling her when she’s immature, but use your experience to your advantage. Most guys her own age likely treat her with princess gloves; a bit of extra maturity can go a long way to making her be attracted to you. A change in treatment is all that it takes.

Acting Out of Sync

A major issue for some older men is that they try to act out of their own comfort zone, and come across as weirdos. By not acting yourself and trying to bring yourself down to the level of a younger lady, you are likely to find yourself feeling embarrassed and way out of your depth.
Guys do all kind of subtle things upon feeling nervous. This gives younger ladies the time to think you are a weirdo – so try and relax a little more. Acting differently to who you are because you are scared of the age gap is likely to leave you feeling out of touch with what is going on. When this happens, it stands out like a sore thumb and is the master of all turnoffs.

Following Her Lead

Scared of saying/doing the wrong thing so thinking of just keeping it basic and following her lead?
Then you’ve already lost it, man. Younger women have less experience and want you to take control – in all aspects of life. Don’t try and get the girl to set the tone and to lead the way as it’s only going to cause problems in your relationship.

A girl feels far more engaged with an older partner when you set and make the rules. You have to be ready to take the bull by the horns and tell her what’s going to be happening – it’s a show of power, something females are majorly attracted to.
Getting younger ladies engaged with you can be tough and it’s easy to feel like you have “lost it” but this is easy enough to avoid. You just need to be the one to control; the three key flaws above should be avoided at all times.

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