wearable Art…

Love is kind.. Grow!.. Night V. ( abstract, chinese caligraphy) ( 2007 TP signature Apparel)

Have you ever walked into a store and saw a shirt that “spoke” to you. You couldn’t resist because this shirt as interpreted by you tells you a story of your past, present, or future. No, I am not talking about the ” Skinny Bitch” or” Bad Ass girl” shirts that have been made very popular by Junkfood and their celeb clientele.
I am talking about a form of wearable art that speaks to you in same language a piece of art would speak to you. Something you can relate to in your own words. I have always had a thing for abstract art, Chinese calligraphy and surrealism so the decision has been made that the next t-shirt designs coming from TP sig app.. will be heavily influence by these types of art.
There will be 2 versions of the LKG shirts called Day and Night. Self explanatory. Now, with the massive response the TP signature tanks are getting I think it won’t be a bad idea to have a few ready for the Xmas season. Kind of like the Playsation3. lol

Pictured below is male day and female night version of love is kind..grow!

To pre order online please visit www.hotntrendy.com


  1. Icy

    I”m feeling this.. I want one!

  2. angie

    i love this!!!
    i want one toooo!!!

  3. Stella Adekunle

    I have a store in lagos, ikoyi to be precise. I have heard about your line from different people and my neice bought one of your shirts from a boutique in surulere. I am interested in carrying the clothing and makeup in my store. Please let me know how I can do this. I like the idea of art you can wear, you should add more color to it. Keep up the good work


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