Royal Booty: Picture of Kate Middleton’s Naked Butt Hits the Internet
Gosh! This internet of a thing is just soo evil *smirk*. It must really suck having cameras follow you around 24/7. It must suck even more when those cameras follow you around when you are wearing a dress that does not agree with the weather. Such was the case with Prince William’s Wifey Kate Middleton. The Duchess of Cambridge has a little oopsy wardrobe malfunction last month during the 2014 Royal Tour of New Zealand and Australia, and a German tabloid snagged the pictures and published it. Word is that the tabloid is in hot soup because what they did is a breach of the duchess’s privacy. Is this really embarrassing though? Depends on how you look at it.
Think of it this way, they go to the beach all the time don’t they? The bits we see here are not more than what we see in beach bikini photos, plus she sure does have a firm booty so hooray to that too. Nothing to be embarrassed about please, mistakes happen. The wind in dress situation has happened to the best of us, me inclusive. I would say do not bother checking out the picture but who am I kidding, all you curious cats feel free to check the picture below.
Prince william does not want men having fantasies about his woman